Tuesday, February 06, 2007

poetry; position papers and précis

Some days work can be soul destroying, last week I had the pleasure are pivoting around a 25000 line data extract, this week for my sins I need to read 10 position papers. I think it's ten, I know it's positioning something, and I know that I enjoy reading but this is beginning to snap the matchsticks which have been keeping my eyes open.

This weekend I ended up at a poetry festival or sorts at Spier, as we were driving there, I moaned: "I don't understand women (at least a couple) and I don't understand poetry, unless it's Auden or Kozain." I continued to grump, that at least women are of interest, a body of work, that I need to complete in this life time, poetry? No, give me song lyrics any day.

Today I am ready to add position papers to that list of things that I don't understand and quite frankly couldn't care less about, the only exception is that it's my unenviable task to précis these documents into a snappy 30 minute presentation.

I thought that there was a cheat available in the process but only four of the 10 have Executive Summaries, the rest are deemed to be to short to warrant this type of intervention, I whole heartedly disagree.

It's tough reading in an open plan office per se and when you have no inclination, it's near impossible but as that deadline of tomorrow creeps ever closer I shall soon be using my poetic license to capture the thrust of my position.

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