Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Piano falls from the sky

Saying you deal well with change is like saying there’s a time and a place for spontaneity, on a certain level it makes absolute sense but on another you know that you’ve missed something obvious.

The only thing that I will say is that I like to anticipate spontaneous change in the organisation, I don’t like walking in on a Monday morning and finding out that le grande fromage is moving on, a man who is neither spontaneous nor variable by nature – how could I have missed this occurrence... And how does it impact me?

Piano falls from the sky.

This is what the first fun filled day of the new week had entailed, an acceptance of the new order, except we don’t know what this new sect’s doctrine involves, is it a doctrine mandating more change, are the deck chairs on the Titanic being reorganized?

Irrespective, we have got one month to get cracking to put a few more coins in the machine so that we are playing the games prior to it all unfolding– Is this how the Republicans are feeling now that Bush’s time is up? Our agenda though is nothing so sinister it’s simply one of continuity and managing ourselves in the uncertainty which will soon present itself.

It’s been more modern livin’ that I can handle, quiet martinis have been a gracious post work companion but until we get closer to a resolution as to what the future holds in stall for us, it's going to be quite a tiring process of looking up at that sky and trying to dodge the next potential piano which maybe on its way down.

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